Our Services

At the Compassion Center we work with individuals (adults & teens), couples, and families (entire family groups, blended families, co-parenting, and children ages 2-16 with parent involvement).
Click on the category that pertains to your needs to read about the issues we treat and our treatment philosophies.
Couples Counseling
We treat all types of marriages and committed relationships. We also treat couples who are divorcing and want to do so amicably with effective post-divorce communication. Working with couples we address the following challenges:​
Infidelity recovery
Communication challenges
Creating deeper emotional connections
Forgiveness & Trust
Sexual/Intimacy problems
Second marriages
Pre-marital counseling
Individuals: We treat individuals and teens for the following concerns:
Trauma (childhood, complex, combat-related, sexual) WE ARE EMDR TRAINED!!
ADHD/focus & organizational problems/feeling overwhelmed
Processing family of origin or issues with parents
Coping & resiliency skills
Anger and/or stress management
Peer relationships
Life transitions
Overcoming shame/guilt
Life after divorce
Disorder eating that is non-life threatening or does not require inpatient treatment
Post-partum depression/anxiety
Body dysmorphia
Parenting concerns
Social anxiety
Family Therapy
Our families are the foundation of who we are--for better or for worse-- and as such, it is important that that we bring peace and calm into our families and our parenting. As parents build strong one-one-one relationships with their children, and utilize consistent, loving, and authoritative parenting (meaning not authoritarian/controlling--or permissive/uninvolved), children will thrive. This takes improved self-awareness and positive personal growth for the parents, teamwork parenting with all caregivers involved in the child's life, supportive nurturing, and healthy communication with children. Family issues we see:
Improving family communication and teamwork
Blended families (remarriage)
Better communicating emotions and needs
Building stronger sibling relationships
Building stronger parent/child relationships
Children are hugely impacted by their environment and often act out the stressors and traumas surrounding them, including those of their parents/caregivers. It is important to note that children cannot sustain changes in their lives when their parents and family system do not also make positive changes. Children are incredibly resilient and can heal, adapt and adjust quickly if they have a team working together to help them—this includes therapists, caregivers, and teachers. We approach child therapy by ensuring parents are willing to look at how they can make
changes to support their child’s needs by making changes to themselves and/or the family dynamics. We use a combination of play therapy, art therapy, CBT, solutions-focused/strengths based therapy, and family therapy to help children succeed in their lives. Issues we treat for children/teens:
ADHD/ASD/Sensory Processing Disorder
Parent/child attachment
Peer relations
Sibling relationships
Behavioral issues
Anger management
Adjustment to divorce or remarriage of parents